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Sending Files

 File Upload

YES!!! You can send files to people in the chat!!!

The /send command can be used to send files to other Alamakians. It is quite simple and works by allowing web based file upload to a blackbox directory. You can retrieve files from the blackbox but can't see the names of files there unless someone sends it to you. The box is flushed once a day at midnight. If the file already exists and has been uploaded you will get a notice that it has already been recieved.

 Using the Send Command with Pic

Operators and users who have gotten a /grant from an Op can use the /pic command to attach a picture to thier nickname. With a little cleverness you can use /send with /pic. Just /send the file to some Operator or yourself and then link it with /pic or /pic for server SG.

 Ops Sending Files

Alamak Operators can upload and send files to anyone at anytime. Just type /send [nick] to get the upload form, once uploaded it will auto-refresh and send a link to download/view the file to [nick].

 Users Sending Files

Users can send files to Alamak Operators, type /send [nick] and the Operator will get a notice that you wish to send a file. The Operator can choose to ignore your request or permit you to upload 1 file. The Operator does this by clicking on a link or typing /accept [your nick] to accept your to upload.

You will then get a notice and link to click to begin upload. Click to get the upload form. It's pretty simple actually.

After the upload the page will auto-refresh and send a notice and link for the Operator to download/view the file. The Operator can click on the link to download and view or ignore the link (since files may contain viruses or objectional material.

We have had restricted totally free file sending because regular users were uploading offensive material and it was so heavily used that it was adding significantly to our operation costs.


Alamak takes no responsibility for the content of files sent through the black box ftp server. Unknown files can contain illegal/objectional material or DAMAGE YOUR COMPUTER!!!

These files are not checked by Alamak in anyway, so you should only click to accept the file if you feel the person presenting the link is trustworthy and you know what you are doing!

WE REPEAT!!! Alamak is not in any way responsible for files uploaded or recieved through Alamak, and these files may contain viruses or material objectional or inappropriate for some users.

Sometimes in the past regulars users even sent illegal materials though the file upload. We have now limited this problem by only allowing regular users who get authorization from Alamak Operators and Operators themselves to upload and by flushing the blackbox frequently.

Although we are not responsible for the content of files, you can report offensive files using the Contact Us Page and we'll have them removed at first opportunity.
